Dr.-Ing. habil. (TU Berlin) Dr.phil. (TU Berlin)
I have been a full-time Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. I am specialising in Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning, Knowledge Acquisition, Natural Language Processing My current research interests focus on technologies to assist humans in coping with the vast amount of available information - primarily in textual form. This includes techniques for text categorisation, text summarisation, localisation of relevant text segments, etc.
I studied Computer Science and Philosophy at University of Technology Berlin (Technische Universität Berlin), Germany. In 1985, I received the Master of Science in Computer Science (Diplom-Informatiker), in 1992 a PhD in Computer Science with a thesis on Computer Aided Design of integrated circuits and in 1993 a PhD in Philosophy with a thesis on the philosophical foundations of artificial intelligence. My dissertation in philosophy is online here (in German). In 1997, I earned a Habilitation in Computer Science from the same institution.